Issue: Famous Monsters #108
Page: cover

Medium: Oils
Art Type: Specialty Piece
Artist(s): Marcus Boas

This original oil painting by Marcus Boas is a recreation of Basil Gogos art for the cover of Famous Monsters of Filmland #108 (1974/Warren). It's painted on a canvas-textured board that measures 12+1/2" X 16+1/2", and the art extends to the borders. It's in excellent condition. We at KOCHCOMICART are pleased to announce to the comic art world that we will be handling specialty paintings by longtime fantasy painter Marcus Boas. Mr. Boas started working professionally in the 1970's with his covers for Calvin Beck's Castle of Frankenstein and with his covers and interiors for Heavy Metal magazine. Influenced by Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson, and Roy Krenkel, Marcus became a specialist in the Heroic Fantasy field with a focus on Robert E Howard. His work was featured prominently on magazines, paperbacks and hardcover books, including his own publication in the 80's- HEROIC FANTASY magazine. Add to this, movie posters, comic book covers and many private commissions; we now present Marcus' tributes to his artistic inspirations.


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Peter Koch has been an avid collecter of original comic art for many years. Through this website he'll be offering art for sale that he's acquired through the years. We hope you'll find something that'll thrill you!

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